Master Your Mixed Prepositons 'in’ , 'on’ , 'at’ Knowledge – 101 interactive tests with answers
Here are some examples of mixed prepositions „in,” „on,” and „at” used in sentences:
1. **In**:
– She will be arriving in a few minutes.
– The milk is stored in the refrigerator.
– They live in a small town.
2. **On**:
– I left my keys on the table.
– The painting on the wall is a masterpiece.
– She is sitting on the bench.
3. **At**:
– We are meeting at the restaurant for dinner.
– The concert is at 7 o’clock.
– She’s waiting at the bus stop.
These prepositions can sometimes be challenging to learn due to their varied usage, but with practice and exposure to different examples, you will improve your understanding of when to use each one correctly.
Here is some additional information on the use of mixed prepositions 'in’, 'on’, and 'at’ with more example sentences:
1. **In** is used to indicate:
– Enclosed spaces: The book is in the bag.
– Large areas: There are beautiful forests in Canada.
– Months, years, and periods of time: She was born in June.
2. **On** is used to indicate:
– Surfaces: The cup is on the table.
– Days and dates: We will meet on Monday.
– Electronic platforms: I found the information on the website.
3. **At** is used to indicate:
– Specific locations: Sarah is waiting at the bus stop.
– Specific times: We have a meeting at 3 p.m.
– Events: I met her at the party.
Example Sentences:
– He left his keys in the car.
– The picture on the wall is crooked.
– I will meet you at the restaurant at 6 p.m.
I hope this additional information helps clarify the use of mixed prepositions 'in’, 'on’, and 'at’ in English.
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