Master Your Infinitive with 'to’ Knowledge – 101 interactive tests with answers
The infinitive is the base form of a verb with „to” in front of it. It is used in various ways in English, such as:
1. **After certain verbs:**
– She **decided** to travel the world.
– He **wants** to learn how to play the guitar.
2. **After adjectives or adverbs:**
– It is important **to** speak politely.
– She is ready **to** start the new project.
3. **As a subject or object:**
– **To** read is beneficial for the mind. (Subject)
– They love **to** dance. (Object)
4. **With modal verbs:** without 'to’
– She **can** swim.
– They **must** finish their homework.
5. **After certain phrases:**
– I hope **to** see you soon.
– He is excited **to** meet the new team.
6. **Infinitive of purpose:**
– She bought the book **to** improve her skills.
– They are studying hard **to** pass the exam.
These examples showcase different ways the infinitive form of a verb is used in English.
Here are more examples of sentences using the infinitive:
1. She wants to travel the world someday.
2. It’s important to study hard for your exams.
3. He loves to play the piano every evening.
4. We need to finish this project by the end of the week.
5. They decided to go for a walk in the park.
6. I hope to learn a new language this year.
7. John promised to help his friend move next weekend.
8. It’s necessary to exercise regularly to stay healthy.
9. She offered to drive us to the airport.
10. He agreed to meet me for coffee tomorrow.
When „ought to” is used in the modal sense, it is followed by the base form of the verb (infinitive without „to”). Here are some examples to illustrate the usage of „ought to” as a modal followed by the infinitive form of the verb:
1. We ought to bring an umbrella.
2. You ought to take a break.
3. She ought to study more for the exam.
4. They ought to listen to their parents.
5. He ought to speak up in the meeting.
In these examples, „ought to” is used to indicate obligation, recommendation, or advice, and is followed by the base form of the verb.
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