Master your Auxiliary Verbs do and does knowledge – Present Simple – 101 interactive tests with answers
In Present Simple Tense, the auxiliary verbs „do” and „does” are used to form questions, negatives, and emphatic statements. Here is how you can use them:
1. **Questions**:
– Use „do” for I, you, we, and they.
– Use „does” for he, she, it, and singular nouns.
Example sentences:
– Do you like ice cream?
– Does she work on weekends?
2. **Negatives**:
– Use „do not” (don’t) for I, you, we, and they.
– Use „does not” (doesn’t) for he, she, it, and singular nouns.
Example sentences:
– I don’t speak Spanish.
– She doesn’t eat meat.
3. **Emphatic Statements**:
– Use the auxiliary + base form of the main verb for emphasis.
Example sentences:
– I do love dancing.
– He does understand the importance of this project.
Remember that „do” and „does” are auxiliary verbs only in questions, negatives, and emphatic statements in Present Simple Tense. In positive sentences, you do not need to use these auxiliary verbs.
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